Welcome to Alyssa's blog ...

My photo
My name is Moira, and I hope to share with you what my daughter's life has been like so far ... so you can all truly understand and appreciate the gift of pain, which we take very much for granted! Alyssa does not feel "peripheral" pain, which means she does not feel pain anywhere other than internally. This has led to many unintentional injuries and self-mutilation. My aim is to not only find others like Alyssa, and help those who may be going through what we are, as well as raising awareness about this condition, and how feeling pain is actually a GOOD thing! I am thankfully now part of a support group run on FB which is an amazing group of people, who all have varying types of experience with pain insensitivity. I can be contacted directly via understandingalyssa@hotmail.co.uk

Self-injuries to date:

The following will give you some idea of what Alyssa has already done to herself ... so far!

* Knocked a few of her own teeth out while "teething" and caused huge ulcerated sores in her mouth, from "rubbing" her teeth on her tongue and inner cheeks

* Bitten straight through her lower lip - didn't even flinch!

* Chewed the end of her tongue off, resulting in emergency repair and incisor removal. After having the tip of her tongue repaired, she then began chewing the side of her tongue as soon as her molars erupted

* Chewed a finger almost down to the bone

* Torn entire patches of skin off, and is scarred fairly extensively as a result! :-(

* Broken both feet - and I had to argue with doctors for almost 10 weeks with one of them, because they didn't believe it was broken! Even a lot of doctors haven't heard of Pain Insensitivity!

* Broken her left leg, just under the knee, and walked about on it quite happily for at least a couple of days. We'll never know how she broke it. Any time she says "my --- is moving, all by itself," we get x-rays done!

* She had to have all of her baby teeth removed, as and when they came in, due to all the biting injuries.
She is still dealing with the after-effects of that, as a teen.

* Required spinal surgery to correct a vertebral slippage issue, which she was completely unaware of. The op itself was pretty straightforward. The post-op period was lengthy, and anything but fun.

* Developed septicaemia from one of her many episodes of cellulitis because nobody realised it hadn't gone away, and was just grumbling away as an abscess in her elbow. When she collapsed, it was scary!

* Managed to dislocate her left hip, falling from her trike .... but it took us 4 months to realise, because she didn't feel it!

* Had corrective surgery performed on both hips. Unfortunate complications ensued, which eventually caused the entire removal of her Right hip, and part of her femur.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

It's a New Year ...

Hoping everyone has had a lovely Christmas and New Year period, and that you're not all coming down from this cold/flu that is going about (which I currently have too!).

We had a lovely christmas (noisy as per usual with our large family!) except Alyssa was feverish as the day itself wore on, but she most definitely enjoyed all of the things "Santa" brought for her. And seeing all of her family members at different stages of Christmas day. She is already asking why the "santa, stop here" sign has been taken down though ....!?! :)

We finally have the orthopaedics appointment tomorrow at the Sick Kids Hospital in Edinburgh (postponed last month due to our horrendous weather, after a 4 month wait!) so am looking forward to seeing what information that brings. Will obviously be exceptionally happy if he is happy with what he sees on the xrays, but it will also be an informed opinion if not. And something we can get guidance on.

Very short note today, just a quick note really to say hello and that we're still here! :)

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