Welcome to Alyssa's blog ...

My photo
My name is Moira, and I hope to share with you what my daughter's life has been like so far ... so you can all truly understand and appreciate the gift of pain, which we take very much for granted! Alyssa does not feel "peripheral" pain, which means she does not feel pain anywhere other than internally. This has led to many unintentional injuries and self-mutilation. My aim is to not only find others like Alyssa, and help those who may be going through what we are, as well as raising awareness about this condition, and how feeling pain is actually a GOOD thing! I am thankfully now part of a support group run on FB which is an amazing group of people, who all have varying types of experience with pain insensitivity. I can be contacted directly via understandingalyssa@hotmail.co.uk

Self-injuries to date:

The following will give you some idea of what Alyssa has already done to herself ... so far!

* Knocked a few of her own teeth out while "teething" and caused huge ulcerated sores in her mouth, from "rubbing" her teeth on her tongue and inner cheeks

* Bitten straight through her lower lip - didn't even flinch!

* Chewed the end of her tongue off, resulting in emergency repair and incisor removal. After having the tip of her tongue repaired, she then began chewing the side of her tongue as soon as her molars erupted

* Chewed a finger almost down to the bone

* Torn entire patches of skin off, and is scarred fairly extensively as a result! :-(

* Broken both feet - and I had to argue with doctors for almost 10 weeks with one of them, because they didn't believe it was broken! Even a lot of doctors haven't heard of Pain Insensitivity!

* Broken her left leg, just under the knee, and walked about on it quite happily for at least a couple of days. We'll never know how she broke it. Any time she says "my --- is moving, all by itself," we get x-rays done!

* She had to have all of her baby teeth removed, as and when they came in, due to all the biting injuries.
She is still dealing with the after-effects of that, as a teen.

* Required spinal surgery to correct a vertebral slippage issue, which she was completely unaware of. The op itself was pretty straightforward. The post-op period was lengthy, and anything but fun.

* Developed septicaemia from one of her many episodes of cellulitis because nobody realised it hadn't gone away, and was just grumbling away as an abscess in her elbow. When she collapsed, it was scary!

* Managed to dislocate her left hip, falling from her trike .... but it took us 4 months to realise, because she didn't feel it!

* Had corrective surgery performed on both hips. Unfortunate complications ensued, which eventually caused the entire removal of her Right hip, and part of her femur.

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Well ...

It's been ages since I last updated but only because I was hoping to give a report on the MRI findings. Sadly; those are now in, but still - typically for Alyssa - confusing to those who have seen them so far ... and the paediatrician wanted the entire team (neurology, MRI and radiology, pain specialist etc) to discuss Alyssa's results at their next weekly MRI meeting. I would rather wait until it is clear what the results are, and what they mean before I post them here ... because the findings could well be coincidental, according to the specialists. Meaning they may not be relevant to her issues.

I would like to give a huge thanks to David McCabe (one of the osteopaths who have "adopted" us recently), because - through him - we were involved in a fundraising "Fight Night" organised by Cumbrae Tae Kwon Do which was also to help raise money (and awareness) for Alyssa and her problems. The event took place on Thursday 19th August 2010 and was an absolutely brilliant night, with Alyssa being the star of the show! Despite the fact that the night was really to celebrate the fact that the Korean Olympic University Team were there, teaching the students their moves and also doing a demonstration! Alyssa had them (literally) jumping and dancing on command, by the end of the night! :-) There were quite a few dignitaries there that night also, and I cannot thank everyone enough for the support they showed to both myself and also to Alyssa. The event raised almost £400 ! so was a very worthwhile event, and the Cumbrae Tae Kwon Do team have made Alyssa their mascot, and plan to raise money for her on other occasions too. They presented her with a giant bulldog at the end of the show (almost as big as her!) which she carried back to me, grinning from ear to ear!

To visit their website, please visit: www.cumbraetaekwondo.co.uk and you can find out more about their team, as well as see some photos taken on the night - of both Alyssa (and I!), and of the Korean athletes! Thank you to all who were involved, we are truly grateful!

Alyssa is currently transitioning from the family centre to the nursery, so it has been a stressful few weeks while we waited to hear about the Special Aide (SA) which Alyssa was being allocated, and how well he or she would respond to Alyssa's many needs. I was absolutely delighted to discover that she was being allocated a woman I have known my entire life (and who has seen me grow up, living in the next street) whom I know very well!! That took a lot of the stress away, because I know I can trust her completely with Alyssa, and that she will learn what to watch for with Alyssa. She is a very experienced SA and is coping very well with all of the information she had to take in, and also the practicalities of dealing with a child like Alyssa. It's early days yet, but Alyssa has really taken to her too ... so that obviously makes it easier for us both too!

Her new bed is new once again! In that the part that was designed incorrectly has now been sorted. Instead of just trying to adjust the previous bed (which was still brilliant, but not very easy for me to get into!), the company who custom built it just decided it was easier to make a completely new one! So Alyssa is happier again, I am happier again and she still has a very cool "bouncy castle" bed that she can't fall out of, hurt herself on, or get her arms caught out the side of!

We are finally attempting a holiday!!! I have not gone on holiday (out of the UK) in over 4 years and I'm still quite stressed because it's the first time I've attempted it with Alyssa, but we're going with her Gran, Papa and Aunty Heather so Alyssa and I have plenty of help (well "staff" really lol!) and I plan to do not very much, while hopefully getting some sunshine! Alyssa will hopefully sleep through the hottest parts of the day, and have Aunty Heather at her beck and call ...! Bliss! ;-) We'll see if it works out that way though!

David McCabe and his colleague Richard Frost are setting off from Lands' End on the 4th September for their "length of the UK cycle" event, raising money for Alyssa as they go. I hope to report on their progress daily if possible, and as long as I get contact from them at each stage of their trip. We are all very grateful to them for attempting this enormous challenge, and wish them well (and good weather!).

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