Welcome to Alyssa's blog ...

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My name is Moira, and I hope to share with you what my daughter's life has been like so far ... so you can all truly understand and appreciate the gift of pain, which we take very much for granted! Alyssa does not feel "peripheral" pain, which means she does not feel pain anywhere other than internally. This has led to many unintentional injuries and self-mutilation. My aim is to not only find others like Alyssa, and help those who may be going through what we are, as well as raising awareness about this condition, and how feeling pain is actually a GOOD thing! I am thankfully now part of a support group run on FB which is an amazing group of people, who all have varying types of experience with pain insensitivity. I can be contacted directly via understandingalyssa@hotmail.co.uk

Self-injuries to date:

The following will give you some idea of what Alyssa has already done to herself ... so far!

* Knocked a few of her own teeth out while "teething" and caused huge ulcerated sores in her mouth, from "rubbing" her teeth on her tongue and inner cheeks

* Bitten straight through her lower lip - didn't even flinch!

* Chewed the end of her tongue off, resulting in emergency repair and incisor removal. After having the tip of her tongue repaired, she then began chewing the side of her tongue as soon as her molars erupted

* Chewed a finger almost down to the bone

* Torn entire patches of skin off, and is scarred fairly extensively as a result! :-(

* Broken both feet - and I had to argue with doctors for almost 10 weeks with one of them, because they didn't believe it was broken! Even a lot of doctors haven't heard of Pain Insensitivity!

* Broken her left leg, just under the knee, and walked about on it quite happily for at least a couple of days. We'll never know how she broke it. Any time she says "my --- is moving, all by itself," we get x-rays done!

* She had to have all of her baby teeth removed, as and when they came in, due to all the biting injuries.
She is still dealing with the after-effects of that, as a teen.

* Required spinal surgery to correct a vertebral slippage issue, which she was completely unaware of. The op itself was pretty straightforward. The post-op period was lengthy, and anything but fun.

* Developed septicaemia from one of her many episodes of cellulitis because nobody realised it hadn't gone away, and was just grumbling away as an abscess in her elbow. When she collapsed, it was scary!

* Managed to dislocate her left hip, falling from her trike .... but it took us 4 months to realise, because she didn't feel it!

* Had corrective surgery performed on both hips. Unfortunate complications ensued, which eventually caused the entire removal of her Right hip, and part of her femur.

Sunday 15 November 2009

The week from hell ...

Well I've not been on here much except to post about how New York went (because I knew those of you following this were desperate to know), but also because this week has just been absolutely awful. :-(

Alyssa fell when she went to her dad's house earlier this week and grazed her nose. A simple, ordinary, everyday "toddler" injury that every other toddler has had at some point (ok, excepting the point where her dad phoned me to say he was worried one of her hands/wrists was a bit swollen and could I come and check it - but it was fine!) ...! Of course - with Alyssa - there is no "normal" injury and she will destroy any wound she can see!

Because it is her nose, it should have healed no problem (and was really no big deal, a few scratches on her nose) BUT ... almost everyone we met automatically said to her "Oh, what happened to your nose?" ... which just reminded her that she had a "sore" nose. And in the world of Alyssa, that requires investigation! She has gradually over the last week managed to almost peel the end of her nose right off, and the wound has gone from being a few minor scratches to a hole the size of a 1p (10 cents to you US folks) already. Not to mention the blood factor!

We went to Callander and Crieff today, to take her to the Christmas shops they have - thinking she'd love all the lights and christmas-related toys and items they had there. And she did. But as soon as we weren't watching her completely and whole-heartedly, she was stripping the skin off her nose! At one point - in the middle of Callander High Street - I looked into her buggy and found her with blood pouring down her face, all over both hands and down onto her neck. As well as spread up her face onto her cheeks, like she'd just had her nose burst! People were staring at her, and at us (nothing new there I guess, when Alyssa has any wound) in complete horror and amazement ... because she was so unconcerned by it all. One woman asked us if she'd fallen, and then helpfully suggested a "spray that stops the bleeding and numbs it" ... which would be wonderful - except she doesn't need it numbed and SHE is the one who is making it bleed! A mere spray cannot compete with the deliberate mutilation of a child who just does not understand that this is injuring (and scarring !) her all the time. Hopefully; this particular injury will not scar like all her previous mutilations, but I am much more distraught about it because it is her face! :-(

I do not want to have to resort to using her arm restraints (padded arm immobilisers with velcro) unless I absolutely have to, because she gets very depressed and withdrawn with them on during the day. (She wears them every night when she goes to bed, to stop the "normal" tearing injuries she does daily and is perfectly happy with them on then - most likely because she's so used to them. She actually tells me that they have to go on ... and usually that they're not on tight enough, bless her!). But wearing them during the day and being prevented from being able to do anything is not fair, and she is obviously very upset if she has to have them on then. And I'll admit that there have been times when I've had no choice, because if I am driving and she is particularly itchy and cannot be trusted not to scratch and tear, then I have to put them on her. I have lost count of the number of times I've had to slam the brakes on in the car and actually get out of the drivers' seat and into the back, to physically restrain her and stop her from tearing herself. She is usually already covered in blood by this point, but she also knows that I cannot stop her when I am driving and uses this against me. What starts out as an itch which she needs to scratch, becomes a battle from an otherwise typical toddler - and she will use this as the thing to rebel against me with.

I plan to phone my local hospital tomorrow and ask for advice. Obviously, they are not any more experienced with HSAN or Pain Insensitivity than I am (very much less so!) but her paediatrician in particular is a very smart and practical woman, who usually has some suggestions or recommendations that I have not thought of. As is the Community Paediatric Nurse, who is very creative! Hopefully one of these two will have something my frustrated and exhausted brain cannot come up with as yet!

Obviously not the most worrying part of it all - but certainly the most annoying as far as timing goes - is that I have been corresponding with a magazine reporter, who is doing a story on Alyssa (or is trying to) ... and I was supposed to be having a picture of the two of us taken this weekend because I do not actually have any. So that hasn't happened this weekend, and I shall just have to hope that they understand. Sadly; Alyssa is famous for her very bad timing, and this IS life with Alyssa, which is exactly what they are trying to write about.

Here's hoping someone has some ideas this week. Keep everything crossed for us, I really don't want her face scarred! Her lip is already scarred as most of you know - from when she bit straight through it - but that's not really too noticeable, unless pointed out. I don't want her to dig into her nose until she ends up with a scar there too! :-(

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Hey friend! Ugh! I know I keep saying so, but I can't tell you how much you two have stayed on my mind. Last night in the middle of the night I would wake up thinking of you and so start praying for you. Obviously, you very much need it.

I'm sorry! I hate that life is so complicated! And that you couldn't enjoy today what should have been such a fun outing.

I will pray that God will give someone that you talk to tomorrow wisdom that will be a very big help! And that Alyssa's nose will heal quickly, and also heal with NO scaring!

I will also pray that you'll have a better week this week. One that is filled with laughter in the most unexpected of places. For joy helps a heart! And I'm sure yours could use it!

Bless you, Moira!